Step 3 - Backtesting and Analysis
Open the recipe for a walk-through on how to code this
Recall from the previous step, here is what we defined about the signal:
Buy signal: When the
shows an up-trend -
Sell signal: When the
shows a down-trend
EMA could be one of the notable ways to follow the trend. Therefore, we represent our signals in mathematical ways
Buy Signal: When the
Sell Signal: When the
A professional and comprehensive backtesting framework must be grasped if you want to act as a professional quantitative trader. Please refer to [Simple Backtesting](##Simple Backtesting) for people with a limited background in backtesting. If you are a professional quantitative trader, please refer to the [Advanced Backtesting](##Advanced Backtesting).
3.1 Simple Backtesting
3.1.1 Backtesting
To implement a simple backtesting process, we first calculated the daily return and our signal (True
: Buy Signal, False
: Sell Signal).
Then, for each day, we calculate the daily portfolio return.
For example, given
, we received theTrue
Signal at the start of the day, then, we will assume we earnDailyReturnPCT
for that day.
import pandas as pd
# Read data
data = pd.read_csv('data/TMdata.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
# Calculate daily return and Signal
data['DailyReturnPCT'] = data['Close']/data['Open']-1
data['EMA_TraderGrade_Fastline'] = data['DailyReturnPCT'].ewm(span=3).mean()
data['EMA_TraderGrade_Slowline'] = data['DailyReturnPCT'].ewm(span=7).mean()
data['Signal'] = data['EMA_TraderGrade_Fastline'] >= data['EMA_TraderGrade_Slowline']
# Calculate portfolio return
data['PortfolioReturnPCT'] = data.apply(lambda x: x['DailyReturnPCT'] if x['Signal'] else -x['DailyReturnPCT'], axis=1)
DATE | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | TA_GRADE | QUANT_GRADE | TM_TRADER_GRADE | DailyReturnPCT | EMA_TraderGrade_Fastline | EMA_TraderGrade_Slowline | Signal | PortfolioReturnPCT | |
0 | 2021-01-01 | 28933.86 | 29611.51 | 28649.46 | 29305.29 | 298.357085 | 95.941921 | 52.077850 | 87.169107 | 1.283721 | 87.169107 | 87.169107 | True | 1.283721 |
1 | 2021-01-02 | 29321.41 | 33271.38 | 28955.02 | 32162.01 | 667.482338 | 96.085594 | 52.550240 | 87.378523 | 9.687802 | 87.308718 | 87.288773 | True | 9.687802 |
2 | 2021-01-03 | 32174.75 | 34776.59 | 31942.96 | 33031.74 | 701.951087 | 96.124244 | 53.365372 | 87.572470 | 2.663548 | 87.459433 | 87.411453 | True | 2.663548 |
3 | 2021-01-04 | 33034.55 | 33593.47 | 27500.00 | 32005.27 | 987.279894 | 82.142057 | 54.996140 | 76.712873 | -3.115768 | 81.727934 | 83.498829 | False | 3.115768 |
3.1.2 Analysis
Here is our approximate backtesting result
- The average daily return will be
, or24.54%
annual return rate.
# 0.6014
The compound annual return calculation: (1+0.0006014)^365 - 1 = 0.2454
- The total return will be
# 449.22
Amazing! We successfully built a profitable trading strategy!
However, we should admit that the simple backtesting process was inaccurate because it ignored many factors, for example, the commission fee. Please move to the next section if you want an accurate backtesting result.
3.2 Advanced Backtesting
3.2.1 Building Signal
We introduced a professional backtesting framework to simulate live trading: Backtrader.
Here is the main logic for the strategy:
class EMACloseSignal(bt.Indicator):
lines = ('trader_grade_A', 'trader_grade_B', 'signal')
params = (('period_A', None),('period_B', None),)
def __init__(self):
self.lines.trader_grade_A = bt.talib.EMA(self.datas[0].trader_grade, timeperiod=self.p.period_A, subplot=True)
self.lines.trader_grade_B = bt.talib.EMA(self.datas[0].trader_grade, timeperiod=self.p.period_B, subplot=True)
self.lines.signal = self.lines.trader_grade_A > self.lines.trader_grade_B
We defined the rule:
When the faster EMA line, trader_grade_A
, of the trader grade crosses over the slower EMA line, trader_grade_B
, we should be in the Long
position. Otherwise, we should hold the Short
3.2.2 Building Trading Logic
Here is the Long-Short
def next(self):
# ......
# We are not in the market
if not self.position:
if self.signal[0]: # Buy signal
self.log(f"BUY CREATE, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = # Long position
else: # Sell signal
self.log(f"SELL CREATE, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.sell(size=size) # Short position
# We in a short position but given a Buy signal
elif self.signal[0] and self.position.size < 0:
self.log(f"SELL Close, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.close() # we close our current position
# We in a long position but given a Sell signal
elif not self.signal[0] and self.position.size > 0:
self.log(f"BUY Close, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.close()
Here is the explanation for the above code:
if we do not hold position:
if it is a buy signal:
we buy!!! --> Long position
else it is a sell signal:
we sell!!! --> Short position
else if the signal is buy but we hold the short position :
we closed our short position
else if the signal is sell but we hold the long position:
we closed our long position
It is straightforward, right? Let's run it and see our potential ROI with the strategy.
3.2.3 Backtesting parameter
Before we start our backtesting, we still need to set some parameters to simulate a live trading environment.
Starting cash will be set with $100,000
The commission will be set with 0.04%
referred to as the USD-M Futures Trading
- USDT Maker/Taker
from Binance
3.2.4 Analysis
Wow, pretty good! Our capital increased from $100,000
to $173,332.71
over nearly two years.
Starting Portfolio Value: 100000.00
Final Portfolio Value: 173332.71
Sharpe Ratio: 4.084129867662106
DrawDown: 40.249658800933624
Sharpe Ratio
reached almost 4.1
Now that we can say this trading strategy works, what will be next?
We just need to implement it in our real account and prepare to watch the ROI move!
import backtrader as bt
import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds
class TM_API_data(btfeeds.GenericCSVData):
# add only three columns called date, Bitcoin, Ethereum
lines = ('ta_grade','quant_grade','trader_grade')
params = (
('nullvalue', float('NaN')),
('dtformat', '%Y-%m-%d'),
# ('tmformat', '%H:%M:%S'),
('datetime', 0),
# ('time', 0),
('open', 1),
('high', 2),
('low', 3),
('close', 4),
('volume', 5),
('openinterest', -1),
('ta_grade', 6),
('quant_grade', 7),
('trader_grade', 8),
class EMACloseSignal(bt.Indicator):
lines = ('trader_grade_A', 'trader_grade_B', 'signal')
params = (('period_A', None),('period_B', None),)
def __init__(self):
self.lines.trader_grade_A = bt.talib.EMA(self.datas[0].trader_grade, timeperiod=self.p.period_A, subplot=True)
self.lines.trader_grade_B = bt.talib.EMA(self.datas[0].trader_grade, timeperiod=self.p.period_B, subplot=True)
self.lines.signal = self.lines.trader_grade_A > self.lines.trader_grade_B
class TMStrategy(bt.Strategy):
params = (('period_A', None),('period_B', None),)
def log(self, txt, dt=None):
''' Logging function for this strategy'''
dt = dt or self.datas[0]
# print('%s, %s' % (dt, txt))
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the strategy"""
self.dataclose = self.datas[0].close
# for single strategy
self.myindicator = EMACloseSignal(self.datas[0], period_A=self.p.period_A, period_B=self.p.period_B, plot=True)
self.signal = self.myindicator.lines.signal
# To keep track of pending orders
self.order = None
self.buyprice = None
self.buycomm = None
def calculate_size(self,slipage = 0.1):
# full position
cash =
size = cash/([0] * (1+slipage))
return size
def next(self):
"""Run once per data bar"""
size = self.calculate_size(slipage=0)
self.log(f"Close, {self.dataclose[0]}, ta_grade, {self.datas[0].trader_grade[0]}, signal, {self.signal[0]}, tg_A, {self.myindicator.lines.trader_grade_A[0]}, tg_B, {self.myindicator.lines.trader_grade_B[0]}")
# Check if an order is pending
if self.order:
# We are not in the market
if not self.position:
if self.signal[0]: # Buy signal
self.log(f"BUY CREATE, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = # Long position
else: # Sell signal
self.log(f"SELL CREATE, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.sell(size=size) # Short position
# We in a short position but given a Buy signal
elif self.signal[0] and self.position.size < 0:
self.log(f"SELL Close, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.close() # we close our current position
# We in a long position but given a Sell signal
elif not self.signal[0] and self.position.size > 0:
self.log(f"BUY Close, {self.dataclose[0]}")
self.order = self.close()
def notify_order(self, order):
if order.status in [order.Submitted, order.Accepted]:
# Buy/Sell order submitted/accepted to/by broker - Nothing to do
# Check if an order has been completed
# Attention: broker could reject order if not enough cash
if order.status in [order.Completed]:
if order.isbuy():
'BUY EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' %
self.buyprice = order.executed.price
self.buycomm = order.executed.comm
elif order.issell() : # Sell
self.log('SELL EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' %
elif order.isclose():
self.log('Order closed EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' %
self.bar_executed = len(self)
elif order.status in [order.Canceled, order.Margin, order.Rejected]:
self.log('Order Canceled/Margin/Rejected')
# Write down: no pending order
self.order = None
def notify_trade(self, trade):
if not trade.isclosed:
self.log('OPERATION PROFIT, GROSS %.2f, NET %.2f' %
(trade.pnl, trade.pnlcomm))
def runstart():
cerebro = bt.Cerebro(cheat_on_open=True)
cerebro.addstrategy(TMStrategy, period_A=3, period_B=7)
# cerebro.optstrategy(TMStrategy, period_A=range(2, 10), period_B=range(2, 10))
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.PyFolio, _name='pyfolio')
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.SharpeRatio, _name='SharpeRatio')
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.Returns, _name='Returns')
cerebro.addanalyzer(bt.analyzers.DrawDown, _name='DrawDown')
print('Starting Portfolio Value: %.2f' %
result =
print('Final Portfolio Value: %.2f' %
# # for optimization
# for strat in result:
# print('Parameters:', strat[0].p.period_A, strat[0].p.period_B)
# print('Sharpe Ratio:', strat[0].analyzers.SharpeRatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio'])
# print('Returns:', strat[0].analyzers.Returns.get_analysis()['rtot'])
# for single strategy
strat = result[0]
print('Sharpe Ratio:', strat.analyzers.SharpeRatio.get_analysis()['sharperatio'])
print('Returns:', strat.analyzers.Returns.get_analysis()['rtot'])
print('DrawDown:', strat.analyzers.DrawDown.get_analysis()['max']['drawdown'])
# pyfoliozer
pyfoliozer = strat.analyzers.getbyname('pyfolio')
returns, positions, transactions, gross_lev = pyfoliozer.get_pf_items()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Updated over 1 year ago